Celebrating the Entente Cordiale scholarships / Célébration des bourses de l’Entente Cordiale

23rd March 2021
This evening the Franco-British Council brought together Entente Cordiale scholarship alumni. To find out more about the scheme visit https://francobritish.org/en/entente-cordiale/ Ce soir, le Conseil franco-britannique a réuni les anciens du programme de la bourse d’Entente Cordiale. Pour en savoir plus sur le programme Entente Cordiale : https://francobritish.org/en/entente-cordiale/

Franco-British Parliamentary Forum / forum parementaire franco-britannique

1st March 2021
The Franco-British Council today brought together French and British parliamentarians online to discuss key issues around Franco-British relations: Brexit, cross-border migration and visas. This dialogue is a key element for the future of the bilateral relationship. The Franco-British Council in the United Kingdom provides the secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for France in the

Brexit – one month on / le Brexit – un mois après

27th January 2021
This morning the Franco-British Council and the French Chamber of Great Britain organised a call between members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for France, chaired by The Rt Hon Stephen Crabb MP, and businesses to discuss how Brexit is working in practice one month on. Ce matin, le Conseil franco-britannique et la Chambre de Commerce

Article for Le Figaro / un article pour Le Figaro

13th January 2021
The President of the Franco-British Council in France, Hervé Mariton, wrote an article (in French) for Le Figaro: “So that France and the United Kingdom become closer neighbors” https://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/monde/herve-mariton-pour-que-la-france-et-le-royaume-uni-deviennent-des-voisins-intimes-20210113 Le Président du Conseil franco-britannique en France, Hervé Mariton a écrit un article pour Le Figaro : «Pour que la France et le Royaume-Uni deviennent des

Online conversation between Lord Edward Llewellyn and Clément Beaune / Conversation virtuelle entre Lord Edward Llewellyn et Clément Beaune

6th January 2021
Tonight, Young Leaders were invited to take part in a virtual conversation between Lord Edward Llewellyn, UK Ambassador to France, and Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs and Young Leader from 2017. Ce soir, les Young Leaders ont été invités a participer a une conversation virtuelle entre Lord Edward Llewellyn, Ambassadeur du Royaume-Uni

Defence Conference / Conférence Défense

26th November 2020
Today the Franco-British Council hosted a high-level online conference on the theme “Ten years on from the Lancaster House Treaty – the future of Franco-British defence” with keynote speeches by our two nations’ defence ministers, Mme Florence Parly and The Rt Hon Ben Wallace MP Since the Lancaster House Treaties in 2010, the Franco-British Council

The impact of / l’impact de la COVID-19

22nd October 2020
On 21st October 2020, the Franco-British Council held an online seminar on the impact of COVID-19 in France and the United Kingdom. See the video below and read the report here. Le 21 octobre 2020, le Conseil franco-britannique a organisé un séminaire en ligne sur l’impact de la COVID-19 en France et au Royaume-Uni. Voir

2020 Local Leaders announced / L’annonce de la cohorte des Local Leaders 2020

8th July 2020
The Franco-British Council / Conseil Franco-Britannique has announced 5 new Local Leaders in the fourth year of its Local Leaders programme. The Local Leaders programme is an initiative dedicated to supporting the social mobility for young people in both countries. This programme brings talented individuals aged 20-30 from disadvantaged backgrounds who have demonstrated exceptional entrepreneurial

80ème anniversaire de l’Appel du 18 juin / 80th anniversary of the “appel”

19th June 2020
Franco-British Young Leader Major Johanna Maljette read the text of the ‘Appel’ of General de Gaulle at the ceremony organised to commemorate the 80th anniversary in London, in the presence of The Prince of Wales and President Macron. Franco-britannique Young Leader Major Johanna Maljette a lu le texte de l’Appel du Général de Gaulle lors

2020 Young Leaders announced / L’annonce de la cohorte des Young Leaders 2020

3rd June 2020
The Franco-British Council / Conseil Franco-Britannique has announced 21 new Young Leaders in the fourth year of its Young Leaders programme. This new cohort joins an alumni network of 92 Young Leaders who share the goal of working together across their sectors to shape the future of the Franco-British relationship. Members of the selection jury