
Visit to the National Assembly / Visite à l’Assemblée nationale

24th July 2019
Franco-British Young Leaders today visited the French National Assembly in Paris to find out more about the French political process and the National Assembly as an institution. The visit was hosted by French members of parliament, Alexandre Holroyd (Young Leader 2018) and Virginie Duby-Muller (Young Leader 2017). Les Young Leaders franco-britanniques furent aujourd’hui conviés à

Franco-British Business Seminar / Séminaire d’entreprise franco-britannique

18th July 2019
The Franco-British Council today hosted a Business Seminar at LVMH House in London to discuss current issues for Franco-British businesses especially in the context of Brexit. Hervé Mariton, former minister and Chair of the Franco-British Council in France, opened the Seminar. The seminar was attended by a range of businesses and included an address by

Young Leaders – Day Four / Quatrième jour

29th June 2019
On Day Four of the Franco-British Young Leaders Programme, Baroness Tessa Blackstone said farewell before Young Leaders visited the ‘Leonardo da Vinci: A Mind in Motion Exhibition’ at The British Library. This was followed by a session on Trends and risks – what will the Franco-British relationship look like in 2030. The programme concluded in

Young Leaders – Day Three / Troisième Jour

28th June 2019
Day Three of the Franco-British Young Leaders Programme started with a tour of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre followed by a presentation from Chris Hirst, Global CEO of Havas Creative Group, about his new book on leadership, ‘No Bullsh*t Leadership’ which was featured in the June 2019 FT Books of the Summer. In the afternoon Young Leaders

Young Leaders – Day Two / Deuxième Jour

27th June 2019
On Day Two of the Franco-British Young Leaders Programme, Local Leaders joined the group which began with breakfast at No 10 Downing Street and a discussion with Stephen Parkinson, Political Secretary to the Prime Minister and a Young Leader from 2017. Local Leaders were taken on a tour of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office whilst

Young Leaders – Day One / Premier jour

26th June 2019
Day One of the Franco-British Young Leaders Programme began with a visit to Parliament and a talk by John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons, followed by a question and answer session with Young Leaders. The session continued at Sandhurst Royal Military Academy where they were welcomed by Baroness Tessa Blackstone and Hervé

Europe Minister welcomes new Young and Local Leaders / La Secrétaire d’État chargée des Affaires européennes accueille les nouveaux Young et Local Leaders

11th June 2019
The French Europe Minister Amélie de Montchalin welcomed the new cohort of Franco-British Young Leaders and Local Leaders at a breakfast at the French Ambassador’s Residence during her visit to London. La Secrétaire d’État chargée des Affaires européennes, Amélie de Montchalin, a accueilli la nouvelle cohorte des Young et Local Leaders franco-britanniques lors d’un petit-déjeuner

75th Anniversary of D-Day Commemorations in France / Commémorations du 75ème anniversaire du débarquement en France

6th June 2019
A delegation from the Franco-British Council attended commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings at the Bayeux Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery in Normandy. The Service was attended by The Prince of Wales, British Prime Minister, The Rt Hon Theresa May MP, and French Defence Minister, Florence Parly. After the ceremony, Franco-British Young and

75th Anniversary of D-Day Commemorations in the UK / Commémorations du 75ème anniversaire du débarquement au Royaume-Uni

5th June 2019
Members of the Franco-British Council today attended the international commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings at Southsea Common in Portsmouth. The Service was attended by HM Queen Elizabeth II, French President, Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister, Theresa May, US President, Donald Trump, German Chancellor, Angela Merkel and other world leaders. Les membres

2019 Young Leaders announced / L’annonce de la cohorte des Young Leaders 2019

24th April 2019
The Franco-British Young Leaders for 2019 have been announced: / La cohorte 2019 des Young Leaders franco-britanniques a été annoncée :  • Ahmed Abdel-Hakam, Senior Associate, International Arbitration and Public International Law, Eversheds Sutherland• Emma Barnett, BBC journalist• Clemence Bernard, Research Associate, King’s College London• Andrew Bowie MP, Member of House of Commons• Charles Consigny, Lawyer