Visit to Scotland – Day one / Visite en Ecosse premier jour

6th December 2023
On day one, Our Franco-British Young and Local Leaders visited the Pitlochry hydro Dam in Perth, operated by SSE who kindly sponsored this visit. The Franco-British Council also organised a roundtable discussion on energy collaboration between UK/Scotland and France with: Finlay McCutcheon, Director of Onshore at SSE Renewables Leader Julia Cantel, Franco-British Young, Project manager

Franco-British Council visit to Scotland / La visite en Ecosse du Conseil franco-britannique

6th December 2023
In December 2023, our Franco-British Young and Local Leaders went to Scotland for a three-day visit to discuss the key issues of Energy, Climate Change, Sustainability and Food Security and Securing Our Future. France and the UK have common goals in tackling issues around energy, climate change and sustainability, and recent world events have highlighted

Franco-British Council Defence conference 2023 – 21st Nov / Conférence défense du Conseil franco-britannique 2023 – 21 nov

21st November 2023
On 21st November, Mme Hélène Duchêne, French Ambassador to the United Kingdom, and Dame Menna Rawlings DCMG, British Ambassador to the French Republic, gave the diplomatic perspective on the Franco-British defence relationship and Eric Béranger, CEO of MBDA, gave the industrial view. There were also speeches from Lord Peter Ricketts, Chair of the Franco-British Council

Franco-British Council Defence conference 2023 – 20th Nov / Conférence défense du Conseil franco-britannique 2023 – 20 nov

20th November 2023
The ninth edition of the Franco-British Defence Conference organised by the Franco- British Council took place on 20th-21st November 2023 at the French Ambassador’s Residence in London on the theme of “How France and the UK contribute to the security of Europe”. The Conference was held following the successful UK-France Summit which had been held

Breakfast meeting with the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development / Déjeuner rencontre avec la Présidente de la Banque Européenne pour la Reconstruction et le Development

13th September 2023
This morning, a group of our Young and Local Leaders met with Odile Renaud-Basso President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for a fascinating discussion on the work of the bank. Ce matin, un groupe de Young et Local Leaders franco-britanniques a eu le privilège de rencontrer Odile Renaud-Basso, Présidente de la Banque

Un moteur franco-britannique pour l’avenir du nucléaire civil / A Franco-British engine for the future of civilian nuclear energy

18th July 2023
Par / by Vincent de Rivaz A l’occasion de l’Assemblée Générale du Conseil franco-britannique le 3 juillet 2023 au Senat, Monsieur Vincent de Rivaz, ancien PDG d’EDF Energy lequel a joué un rôle déterminant dans la mise en œuvre du projet Hinkley Point C au Royaume-Uni, également membre du Conseil, a fait une intervention particulièrement

Young Leaders – Day Four / Quatrième

24th June 2023
The fourth and final day of the Young and Local Leaders seminar concluded with a breakfast in Rouen and a reflection on the Young and Local Leaders Programmes. Le quatrième et dernier jour du séminaire des Young et Local Leaders s’est conclu par un petit-déjeuner à Rouen et une réflexion sur le programme Young et

Young Leaders – Day Three / Troisième jour

23rd June 2023
On the third day of the seminar, the Young and Local Leaders went to the Paris Air Show organised by Safran including a visit to our partner, Airbus. During the visit to the Paris Air Show, some of the Young Leaders and Local Leaders met with the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne. In the afternoon they

Young Leaders – Day Two / Deuxième jour

22nd June 2023
On the second day of the Franco-British Young and Local Leaders seminar, the group met with Franck Riester, the Minister responsible for Parliamentary relations, to discuss current political issues and Franco-British relations. After this the Young Leaders and Local Leaders met with Philippe Wahl, CEO of La Poste, to discuss leadership and his vision of

Young Leaders – Day One / Premier jour

21st June 2023
The Franco-British Council Young Leaders and Local Leaders Seminar took place in Paris from 21st to 24th June 2023. The first day of the Franco-British Young and Local Leaders 2023 seminar began with a welcome from the co-chairs of the Franco-British Council, Hervé Mariton and Lord Peter Ricketts, in the offices of our sponsor, Gide