Visit of the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier / Visite du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle

18th March 2023
Yesterday, a group of our Young Leaders had the privilege to visit the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier and frigate Forbin in Toulon. Hier, un groupe de Young Leaders a eu le privilège de visiter le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle et la frégate Forbin à Toulon.

UK-France Summit / Sommet franco-britannique

10th March 2023
Today some of our Young and Local Leaders today part in the UK-France Summit at the Élysée with Emmanuel Macron and Rishi Sunak discussing the future of Franco-British relations Our Young and Local Leaders also discussed transport and sustainability with transport ministers, Clement Beaune and Mark Harper. During the Summit, our Young and Local Leaders

Visit to Airbus in Toulouse / visite à Airbus à Toulouse

8th March 2023
The Franco-British Council visited Airbus in Toulouse this week – an important Franco-British collaboration in aerospace. Our delegation included our Young and Local Leaders and trustees. The delegation was welcomed by Julie Kitcher, EVP Communications and Corporate Affairs and Oriel Petry, SVP Public Affairs at Airbus UK, with thanks given by our UK Chair Lord

Ateliers Young Leaders au Ministère des Affaires étrangères / Young Leaders workshops at the Ministère des Affaires étrangères

23rd February 2023
Le 20 février, nos Young Leaders bases en France ont eu l’honneur de rencontrer Madame la Secrétaire d’Etat chargée de l’Europe, Laurence Boone, au Ministère des Affaires étrangères pour échanger leurs idées en amont du Sommet franco-britannique. On 20 February, our Young Leaders based in France were invited to the Ministère des Affaires étrangères to

Workshops at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office ahead of the UK-France Summit / Ateliers au Commonwealth & Development Office en amont du Sommet France-UK

15th February 2023
On 9th February, our Young Leaders met at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office to discuss policy ideas ahead of the UK-France Summit next month Le 9 fevrier, nos Young se sont réunis au Commonwealth and Development Office à Londres pour échanger leurs idées en amont du Sommet franco-britannique.

Engagement with students at KCL ahead of the UK-France Summit / Entretien avec des etudiants au KCL en amont du Sommet franco-britannique

2nd February 2023
Ahead of the UK-France Summit in March, the Franco-British Council engaged with students at King’s College London discuss the Summit themes. En amont du Sommet franco-britannique en mars, le Conseil franco-britannique s’est entretenu avec des étudiants du King’s College de Londres sur les thèmatiques du Sommet.

RAF Brize Norton Young-Local Leaders visit / Visite de nos Young-Local Leaders a la RAF Brize Norton

3rd November 2022
Yesterday, our Franco-British Young Leaders and Local Leaders visited RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire. / Hier, nos Young et Local Leaders ont été accueillis sur la base militaire de la Royal Air Force Brize Norton dans l’Oxfordshire.

Soirée-débat sur la politique intérieure franco-britannique, 13 Octobre 2022 / Evening debate on franco-british domestic politics, October 13th 2022

14th October 2022
Hier soir, le Conseil franco-britannique a organisé une soirée-débat sur les « Regards croisés sur la politique intérieure française et britannique » animé par des journalistes politiques français et britanniques. Yesterday evening the Franco-British Council organised a debate on “Different views on French and British domestic politics” moderated by political French and British journalists: Quentin Dickinson,

A statement from our Co-Chairs following the death of Her Majesty The Queen / Déclaration de nos co-présidents suite au décès de Sa Majesté la reine

12th September 2022

Discussion on “Paris: A divided capital” documentary / Discussion sur le documentaire : “Paris, une capitale divisée”

7th July 2022
On 7th July 2022, the Franco-British Council hosted an online discussion with Local Leader Christopher Amedu about his documentary, “Paris: A Divided Capital” which examines the effect of the African diaspora on French culture and the current rise of populism in France. You can watch his documentary on YouTube here Le 7 juillet 2022, le